Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Skirting the Issue...

 Gianna came home from school last week with a handout promoting an upcoming All-Pro Dad's Breakfast for the dads and kids of our school.  Ugh.  It felt like a punch in the gut. Gianna was thrilled because her teacher really talked it up to her telling her that she could have her PePaw or Uncle bring her.  We were in the midst of an especially difficult week and I couldn't imagine her sitting in an entire room of fathers with their children.  I talked to her about it and told her it was super-early in the  morning and tried to dismiss the idea. 
She fell apart and didn't take well to my suggestion. She told me EVERYONE was going to be there.
Out of desperation I called the mom of one of her classmates asking if her husband was taking their child to the event.  She told me he'd be working and was worried her daughter was disappointed as well.  So, we decided to get donuts and have a little picnic tailgate before school in lieu of the Fathers Breakfast.  They picked up  another classmate and came to meet us.  They were ECSTATIC.
 How cute are these munchkins?
 They all have personality out the wazoo...

So grateful for these friends who helped us remedy a potentially emotional situation.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's so tough Maria. When I read your words I felt a punch in the stomach too. Can I come on the next picnic? :)


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