Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lewis Land, The Blog

How did you come up with that blog name, you ask?
(Edited to add picture in summer '09)
Well, in early 2008, my husband and I began our adoption journey by accepting the challenge to take in a 2 year old and 4 year old sibling set, whose mother relinquished her parental rites. We never expected to start with older children, so we weren't as prepared as we were for a baby.

Well, people were SO good to us and donated tremendous gifts to help make our lives a litttle easier. We were given a new netted trampoline, a beautiful new wooden swingset and even an above-ground pool. Amazing. You could actually see it all from down the street over our big wooden fence. We joked that it looked like Disneyland. During that time we also brought a brand new van.

Six weeks after we got those precious kids, we lost them to a horribly corrupt justice system. So here we were. Iain and I - driving around in the brand new mini-van up to a house with flippin' Disneyland in the background - and no kids. We really did find the humor in it - although all those reminds stung a little bit at first. We dubbed the scene Lewis Land. The term stuck so it just seemed like "Living in Lewis Land" was a natural name for the blog.

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