Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday Morning Reminders

Sunday mornings are different now.
This morning as I came from brushing my teeth and saw my bed...
It made me sad.
It was a strong reminder that he is not here - and I am not married.
As an adult, I was single for much longer than I was married.
I was used to sleeping alone in a big bed.
I'll get used to it again.
It's a different kind of empty now.
 It is sad to only make half a bed.
Easier - but sad.

* * * * * * * * *

Neither Iain and I were huge coffeee drinkers, but we enjoyed a cup or two on the weekends.
Whoever was up first would make coffee for both of us.
One little mug without it's partner is just another reminder....
...this is real.
He is not coming back.

* * * * * * * * *
On this tenth anniversary of 9/11 - there are lots of remembrances of loss and sadness.
I join my prayers with those who remain - for those who have gone before us in tragic ways - and in quiet ways.


  1. Hey Maria. I just wanted to let you know that there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you and pray for you. I will continue to lift you up in prayer. You are such an amazing women. Love you so much, Shane

  2. I feel honored that you would share yourself in this way with us. I love you, dear friend!


It means a lot that you took the time to leave a message!

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