Tuesday, November 08, 2011

"Whatever Jesus Sings"

I finally dug her karaoke machine out of storage - and she's definitely making up for lost time.

I also retrieved the keyboard which she played around with this morning.  It has quite a few programmed songs and she sang along to her favorite christmas carol.  She's a little rusty on the lyrics, but I sorta liked her version.

"Whatever Jesus Sings"   That's a classic!


  1. We miss yall so much! Joseph has been sick and is feeling so much better now so hopefully we can visit soon!

    I have to tell you that I was praying for you two when I was snuggling with Joseph for his nap today. I thought to myself, Gianna is sure going to be one great Mama!!! She has the best role model ever :)) xoxox

  2. Maria. This child is AMAZING. I mean, really. I know that you know that. But her personality. My goodness, I can't get over how bright she is. And how talented. I'm just thinking if I gave the keyboard to the boys that they would probably just drive their trucks over it! She's amazing!


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