Wednesday, April 01, 2009

We are overjoyed to announce the arrival of...

Yep, it finally happened. We weren't sure if it ever would - but it looks like our prayers were heard. I am thrilled to report that we have a brand new........

drumroll please.......

Yes indeedy!.............


I know what you were thinking......but it IS April 1st and we ARE super excited about having an oven that doesn't beep in the middle of the night until we actually turn the breaker off.

Thanking God for small favors.....especially for sweet angel babies....

Gianna and Luke this morning. So cute.


  1. Ha ha ha Maria! You got me! On my blog roll I could just read the first part! Nonetheless, congratulations on your new oven, she's beautiful!

  2. How is she sleeping at night? Collic? Is she a happy oven? How is the baby taking the new addition?


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