Friday, February 19, 2010

Favorite Friend

Meet Ogbarebbi.
He is of the most genuine, gentle, fascinating, brilliant, kind, thoughtful men on the planet.  I can honestly say I adore him.  Ogbarebbi is originally from Eritrea (a country in  Northeast Africa) was living in Atlanta with his family and did a lot of consulting work at Iain's former company.  They became good friends and even after Iain left the company, we still get together with him every time he comes to our area.

Ogbarebbi came over last night for dinner an to visit.  He also leaving the company and he and his precious family have moved to Minnesota.  Brrr. This may be one of the last times we get spoiled by his company.  Someone else got spoiled by his compnay too. All night she kept saying, "Hi Hebbi!" 

At one point, I noticed Gianna was very quiet and turned around to see what she was up to.
She was snuggled up to Ogbarebbi like a warm blanket.  Precious.

1 comment:

  1. That is very precious. Don't you just cherish people like that?!


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