Monday, April 05, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy

Dear Daddy,
Happy Birthday to you.
You are the best daddy in the whole world and I'm so glad that God chose you for me (and me for you.)  Mommy says we hit the jackpot, and I know she's right.  {She told me to remind you that she's ALWAYS right! :) }

I love that you keep telling me what I cute baby I am, but Mommy just showed me this picture of you when YOU were a munchkin, and I'm pretty sure you've cornered the cute baby market. (I know that was a run-on sentence, but you gotta gimme a break since I'm only one.)
Thank you for working so hard for me, for rushing to get home to me, for playing with me, reading to me, giving me baths and bottles, trying to match my socks and bows to my outfits so Mommy doesn't roll her eyes, teaching me my colors (which Mommy has not been able to do), and for giving me a glimpse of what it's like to be loved by my Heavenly Father. 
I love you bigger than my cheeks!
"Ah Luz yuuu, Dah Deeee!"
P.S.  Mommy says you're pretty special and she loves you bunches.


  1. That IS one cute baby! Send Iain my bloggy birthday wishes!

  2. To my beautiful wife and adorable little monkey, thank you for such a great birthday. I'm blessed beyond words!

    Love you both!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Ian!!! Hope you had a great one.


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