Thursday, October 07, 2010

One day I'll learn....

....not to go alone to get pictures taken of my child.
...not to feel pressured to make a decision right away (even if they say they'll destroy the originals).
...that most of my favorite pictures of my child, are ones I have taken (even if the quality isn't perfect.)
....that seven thousand pictures of one stage in her life are completely unnecessary.
....that forgetting her correct hair accessories made was a big mistake.
....even though it was convenient, fast and easy - it may not have been ideal.
...I need to open my mouth if I don't life the way something looks. 
One day I'll learn.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* I do have to say I was remarkably impressed with the photo session, the photographers, the employers who played with my child and the fact that we only spent one hour in there and walked out with our package of pictures.  That's a huge accomplishment. 
I'll definitely use Portrait Innovations again, I'm just going to be strong and get the small package.

1 comment:

  1. I warned you! They are beautiful and worth every cent! I love them all - obviously I have fell prey and couldn't pick just one either. They must have invested a lot of money and research into the "we'll destroy them all" line - gets everyone! Ha!


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